Phoenix New Times, 2014

Phoenix New Times: ”Domesticated at Lisa Sette Gallery Is Unsettling in the Best Way” By Katrina Montgomery  May 1, 2014My grandmother makes wedding cakes for a living. The cakes are always delicious, but it's their decorative aspects I've alway found fascinating. The tiers are pilled high, seemingly in defiance of gravity, and the sugary coating looks impossibly smooth, like untouched snow.When I first walked into "Domesticated," Carrie Marill's latest solo show at Lisa Sette Gallery, I immediately was drawn to a large painting depicting what appears to be either a layered cake or five separate cakes piled on top of one another. The work, Panned, features a simple composition with light neutral tones, but at the top of the pristine pile is an unexpected splash of bright, textured paint. This saturated color disrupts the order of the still life, suggesting that this work (and others in the exhibition) are not really about an idyllic kind of home life at all.continue...


Daily Serving, 2014


New American Paintings, West Issue #96 October 2011